Books of 2023: Ratings & Rankings

Another year is… (you guessed it) IN THE BOOKS! 2023 had some major personal highlights. I traveled. I wrote a fresh manuscript. Oh, and I got married!! Though my honeymoon may have given me some time to unwind and curl up with books, I had a slightly mediocre year in reading. Or shall I say,ContinueContinue reading “Books of 2023: Ratings & Rankings”

The 60-Scene Method to Plotting A Novel

Action! Today, we are taking a more cinematic approach to novel outlining as this method has roots in screenwriting. It focuses on writing the novel out in the progression of scenes that make up the plot. Why 60 scenes you may ask? That’s because 60 is generally the number of scenes in a screenplay. AndContinueContinue reading “The 60-Scene Method to Plotting A Novel”

Dive into these 13 Summer Beach-Read Tropes

We are well into the dog days of summer! And while the days are longer and hotter, my novels of choice this time of year tend to be shorter and rapid in consumption. Yes, we’re talking beach reads in all their light-hearted glory. The beach read is so coined as it’s a perfect companion suitedContinueContinue reading “Dive into these 13 Summer Beach-Read Tropes”

Writing About Other Cultures – How To Do it Right

As writers, we find inspiration all around us. However, the adage “write what you know” can feel pretty limiting. I once heard the alternative said for an approach to fiction writing––“write what you want to know.” This variation allows us to expand our knowledge base and write outside of our own lifestyle. It champions writersContinueContinue reading “Writing About Other Cultures – How To Do it Right”

Stay Motivated with Productivity Bingo

It’s national bingo day! While I enjoy this game (especially when played for gift baskets), I’ve recently started using the setup of bingo to develop healthy habits and achieve daily progress toward my writing goals, and beyond! I refer to this system as “Productivity Bingo”. Which is basically me gamifying my to-do list while buildingContinueContinue reading “Stay Motivated with Productivity Bingo”

Working with a Cover Designer – With Guest Author Ashley Weiss

There are hundreds of decisions that come with being a writer. One big one is what type of publishing you plan to navigate. Obviously, there are pros and cons to each type: traditional, indie, or hybrid. But one huge pro of the self/indie publishing bucket is the full ownership of your cover design. Today, I’mContinueContinue reading “Working with a Cover Designer – With Guest Author Ashley Weiss”

Enhance Your Novel with the Iceberg Method – A Deep Dive into Writing Craft

This is one iceberg that won’t have you jumping ship! Please forgive me for my terrible puns, but I have a point here! Novel writing is often likened to an iceberg—what the readers see on the surface is only a fraction of the story’s depth and complexity. The iceberg method, popularized by Ernest Hemingway, emphasizesContinueContinue reading “Enhance Your Novel with the Iceberg Method – A Deep Dive into Writing Craft”

Tips For Writing a Mystery Novel

The book that I’ve been querying is many things, but at its base, it’s a whodunnit-style mystery. Sure, I also throw in a YA coming-of-age narrative, LGBTQ+ Romance, and some paranormal intrigue… but I spent a lot of time researching and studying the mechanics of the mystery genre while crafting my novel. Like many areasContinueContinue reading “Tips For Writing a Mystery Novel”

Books of 2022: Ratings & Rankings

Wow. 2022 was BOOKED for me. I had a goal of 50 books and exceeded that by 10 for my grand total of 60 books read. Today, I present you with my rankings and ratings of all 60 books. Please keep in mind that this is all a matter of preference and my personal opinion.ContinueContinue reading “Books of 2022: Ratings & Rankings”

15 Holiday Tropes + More

I, personally, am trash for tropes and believe they make the world of fiction go ’round. But love ’em or hate ’em, there’s something about holiday tropes that hit a little extra. This article is dubbed “holiday” as it centers on the tropes we often see in rom-coms around the winter holidays. But I willContinueContinue reading “15 Holiday Tropes + More”